Cyprus Renal Association
Welcome to the official webpage of the Cyprus Renal Association. Our mission is to safeguard and continuously develop the scientific standards in the field of nephrology in Cyprus and promote the delivery of high quality, patient centered healthcare to those with conditions that affect kidney health. Through this space you can learn of our role, scientific events and activities as well as find information regarding nephrology in Cyprus in general. You can also access local and international clinical practice guidelines for nephrology, but also general information concerning the prevention of renal disease and the promotion of kidney health.
Greetings From The CRA President
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the official page of the Cyprus Renal Association. This page forms a window into the developments in field of nephrology at national and international level as well as the work and activities of our association. We also aim for this space to form a valuable educational resource and a communication avenue for the renal community, those with kidney health problems and the broad society in Cyprus in general.
With kidney disease on the increase, affecting more and more people, it has never been a better time for the nephrology community to work together to improve public education and awareness, aimed at disease prevention and preservation of kidney health in our population. We also aim to support those of us that already suffer with chronic kidney disease, especially those on dialytic therapies, and promote kidney transplantation through the reinforcement of public awareness towards organ donation.
We envisage that this page will act a springboard and a catalyst for the further development of the field of nephrology in Cyprus though knowledge acquisition, research development and collaboration with national and international forums, in order to facilitate the delivery of high quality, patient centred renal services to those in need.
On behalf of the CRA board,
Dr. Nicos Mitsides
President of CRA
Strong Kidneys - Informational video by ERA - EDTA

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